
ASM is your global society

Dear Members,

The ASM is as deeply concerned as you are about the January 27 White House Executive Order on immigration that bars the entry or return of individuals from certain countries and we are working with policy makers to end the adverse effects it is having on the ability of researchers to study and exchange knowledge. ASM prides itself on being a global community and our strength lies in both our national and international members.

We want to send a strong message of support to all our dedicated members worldwide who are working to prevent and cure infectious diseases that threaten global health. ASM is your professional society and a global home for your science. We recognize that diversity makes science stronger and collaboration across the globe is imperative for scientific advancements. The latest bLogphase post underlines all the dangers we face when we close our borders to global science. .

 Susan E. Sharp, President, ASM  Stefano Bertuzzi, CEO, ASM
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