Open Call for Experts for PAHO’s Strategic Advisory Groups

As part of the PAHO Forward approach to increase efficiencies, transparency, and accountability, the Director of the Pan American Health Organization has created a series of Strategic Advisory Groups (SAGs) to advise him on strategic technical matters. Each «Call for Experts» listed below provides information about the Strategic Advisory Group in question, the expert profiles being sought, the process to express interest, and the process of selection.

The Director has created the following SAGs:

  1. Disease Elimination
  2. Universal Health and Primary Health Care
  3. Sustainable Development Goals and Health Equity
  4. Vaccine Preventable Diseases
  5. Noncommunicable Diseases and Risk Factors
  6. Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
  7. Epidemic and Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness
  8. Increasing Regional Innovation and Production Capacities for Medicines and other Health Technologies
  9. Climate Change and Environmental Determinants of Health
  10. Information Systems and Digital Transformation of Health
  11. Malaria
  12. Reduction of Maternal Mortality

More information here

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