
GRC/GRC conference

The next Applied & Environmental Microbiology Gordon Research Conference & Seminar (GRC/GRS) will take place in July 2019 at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts.

This year marks the third successive Gordon Research Seminar for Applied and Environmental Microbiology held in conjunction with the GRC AEM. The Gordon Research Seminar is a two day meeting that precedes the GRC and is designed to provide graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early career scientists the opportunity to present and discuss novel research findings, exchange cutting-edge research approaches, and network with other peer-level scientists. This year’s GRS will highlight the mechanisms and applications of microbial languages, focusing on applications towards biotechnology, health and human services, as well as ecosystem-level processes.

If you are interested in applied & environmental microbiology please join this exciting seminar! If you have any questions feel free to contact the chairs through the link on the GRS webpage above.


Christine Shulse and Will Overholt, 2019 AEM GRS Co-Chairs

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