
Concurso Cargo Profesional ISP

CONCURSO PROFESIONAL LABORATORIO REFERENCIA PARASITOLOGÍA INSTITUTO DE SALUD PÚBLICA DE CHILE Título Profesional Universitario del área de la Salud,con formación en diagnóstico de laboratorio, tales como Médico(a), Tecnólogo(a) Médico(a), Médico(a)…

Concurso Post Doctoral USS

Concurso USS de Atracción de Investigadores(as) Postdoctorales Objetivo:apoyar al desarrollo de la investigación y mejorar la productividad científica de núcleos de investigación y claustros de programas de doctorado o magíster académicos a través de la…

Simón Litvak (1942-2022)

A talented Chilean-French biochemist, mentor to many brilliant students, with a unique scientific character, a friend who developed a strong collaborative research and teaching program between Chile and France. Simon Litvak was born in the Chilean Coastal city and harbor…

IUMS 2022 - July 20-22, 2022

Dear Colleague, We are looking forward to seeing you at the next main event of theInternational Union of Microbiological Societies IUMS 2022 –The Hybrid Edition, which will be held simultaneously in-person in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, as well as Online…