Cursos, Simposios, Congresos

ASM Conference on Viral Manipulation of Nuclear Processes

Present the research you’ve performed. Submit your abstract today.

Present to your peers

Share your research and shape future collaborations in diverse areas of virology at the 4th ASM Conference on Viral Manipulation of Nuclear Processes (// , December 3–6, 2017, in Charleston, SC. Submit your abstract for the chance to be a speaker in the program and qualify for a travel grant!

Abstract Submission & Travel Grant Application Deadline: September 25, 2017

Submit your abstract today! (//

Gain a deeper understanding of mechanisms utilized by both RNA and DNA viruses to manipulate nuclear processes for viral replication and pathogenesis. Hear from leading researchers, share ideas freely and develop areas of future collaboration while you explore exciting new findings in the field that will ultimately impact our ability to combat infections of relevance to public health.

Save up to $100 on registration before the Early Bird Deadline: October 26, 2017
Book your room (// before the Hotel Reservation Deadline: November 2, 2017

Register today! (//

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American Society for Microbiology, 1752 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

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