Cursos, Simposios, Congresos

Simposio: Spring Immunology Symposium 2017

New perspectives on host-pathogen interaction

September 29th, 2017

Sala Multipropósito 1 – Edificio 210, 5to piso. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Welcome and opening

9:30-9:40Dr. Susan Bueno, Associate Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Infectious Area Coordinator Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy.

Session 1: Host-bacterial pathogen interactions

9:40:00-10:10 “Salmonella immunity: Investigating the secret immunological army”. Dr. Stephen McSorley, Full Professor, Department of Anatomy, Physiology, & Cell Biology, Veterinary Medicine, University of California Davis, USA.

10:10-10:40 “Dual role of Interleukin-10 in bacterial infections”. Dr. Susan Bueno, Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, School of Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

10:40-11:10 “Human gamma/delta T cells as Novel Targets for Tuberculosis Vaccine Development”. Dr. Daniel Hoft, Full Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Allergy and Immunology, School of Medicine, St Louis University, USA.

11:10-11:40 Coffee Break

Session 2: Host-viral pathogen interaction

11:40-12:10 «Preventing RSV Vaccine-Enhanced Immunopathology». Dr. Steven Varga, Associate Professor, Microbiology and Pathology, The University of Iowa, USA.

12:20-12:50 “Universal Influenza Vaccine Development”. Dr. Daniel Hoft, Full Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Allergy and Immunology, School of Medicine, St Louis University, USA.

12:50-13:20 “Deletion of HSV-2 glycoprotein D enables dendritic cell function and protective immunity». Dr. Pablo González, Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, School of Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

13:20-13:30. Closing words.


Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy, Iniciativa Científica Milenio, Gobierno de Chile.

School of Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


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